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Royal Bank of Scotland Mentor round-up - Your monthly news

January 2019

Hello there!

It’s the time of year when businesses look forward to the year ahead.


We look ahead to regulatory changes planned for 2019 and bring you up-to-date with a new round of changes in employment law that will take effect in 2019 and 2020.


Stress at work is up, according to the latest HSE statistics, and is the single biggest cause of sickness absence. We take a look at what the statistics tell us.


A safe working environment sounds like an obvious requirement but it’s surprising how often employers forget about this when employees work away from business premises or when new processes are introduced. Our Senior H&S consultants give some tips.

To keep up to date, follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter and let us know what you’d like to hear about in future bulletins – please email us at info@mentor.uk.com
Best regards
The Mentor Team

Latest in Employment Law


Stress at Work

Almost 600,000 workers in the UK reported suffering from stress, depression or anxiety caused by work during 2017-2018. A total of 15.4 million working days were lost, an average of 25.8 days per case.
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What's in store for 2019?

It's the time of year when we look forward to what's happening in the coming year. Spring will be a busy time, with Brexit and changes to the minimum wage; pension contributions and worker rights.
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New rights for workers

Workers and employees are set to benefit from a wide range of new workplace rights, according to plans set out by the government just before Christmas.
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Latest in Health & Safety


A safe working environment

Ensuring that working conditions for your employees comply with the relevant health and safety legislation is likely to generate significant benefits for your business.
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Find out more about Mentor

We’re your go-to partner for employment law, HR, health & safety and environmental management. We provide comprehensive services that enable you to stay on top of legal and regulatory changes, maintain compliance and reduce risk, while creating a safe, professional and sustainable work environment.

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National Westminster Bank Plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

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